OOREP   ·   open online homeopathic repertory



OOREP is an open online repertory for homeopathy. It is open, because its source code is freely available, it is online, because a running instance of it is served right here on this very server for your convenience. It is NOT some kind of medical recommendation system - please read the disclaimer below. Repertorisation is the looking up of homeopathic repertories (and materia medicas), and as such this system does not provide any information, which you cannot obtain from its original sources. However, online repertorisation is so much more efficient than browsing through the printed books.

A word from the author: OOREP was especially developed for people who study homeopathy, either professionally or as a hobby like I am. I am not making any money from developing this software or from a homeopathic practice of any sorts. As an interested layperson I have found it difficult, if not impossible, to get access to a good electronic repertorisation. Most homeopathic softwares are very expensive and intended to be used by people who make money by using them. For those of us who don't (or don't yet), like hobbyists or students, the access to these kinds of programs used to be very slim. With OOREP I intend to improve this situation somewhat. So I hope it is useful to others, too.

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Short video tutorials to learn all about OOREP's features on

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(Also available on YouTube)

Why use OOREP?

Why use OOREP?


Powered by open-source

Built using proven open-source technologies and products. You can also download all the source code and run your own version of the software.



Works with any computer and OS. All you need is a web-browser - no installations, serial numbers or dongles.


Various sources

Search in well-known repertories and materia medicas like Kent, Boger, Hering, etc.


Get results fast

Very easy to use: only the essential features - no distractions, no non-sense.


Advanced search

Widen your search using wildcards, like 'cough*, dry*', or narrow it down using '-' (minus).


Mobile friendly

Although repertorisation requires screen real estate, OOREP's responsive design supports mobile devices.

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Hinweis Disclaimer

Diese Homöopathie-Website ist ausschließlich zu Informationszwecken gedacht. Sie ist nicht geeignet zur Selbstmedikation oder ersetzt den Besuch eines Arztes oder Apothekers. Die Wirksamkeit von Homöopathie ist wissenschaftlich nicht bewiesen! Der Autor dieser Website übernimmt keine Verantwortung für die Richtigkeit der Ergebnisse oder die Folgen, die aus einem unsachgemäßen Gebrauch resultieren. Diese Website basiert aktuell auf Version 0.17.0 des OOREP Quell-Codes.

This homeopathy web site is intended for information purposes only. It is not suitable for self-medication or can replace the visit of a medical doctor/GP. Scientifically, homeopathy was never proven to actually work! The author of this web site does not take responsibility for the correctness of this site's results or the consequences of misusing them. This website is currently based upon version 0.17.0 of the OOREP source code.

Copyright © 2020-2024 Andreas Bauer. All rights reserved.